Oslo Jazz Festival 1999
By now the festival was an institution, able to handle most all of its own affairs and lasted an entire week with at least 75 concerts. There was less need for assistance from New York City but still some was required, particularly with artists like Clark Terry who needed tender love and care. He had health issues and could barely see. It worked out just fine but as we sat at in the car at the airport he had no trouble seeing a particularly attractive lady about fifty feet away. He just wasn’t able to chase after her.

Abandoned Sousaphone, Grand Hotel, 1999

Arne Domnerus, Scene West Victoria, 14 August 1999

Bob Wilber, Handverkeren, 13 August 1999

Clark, Terry, Vanessa Rubin, Cosmopolite, 11 August 1999 1

Clark, Terry, Vanessa Rubin, Cosmopolite, 11 August 1999 2

Clark, Terry, Vanessa Rubin, Cosmopolite, 11 August 1999 3

Clark Terry, 1999

Clark Terry, Svend Asmussen, Vanessa Rubin, Lobby, Grand Hotel, 11 August 1999

Clark Terry and Vanessa Rubin 1999

Dan Barrett, Grand Hotel, 15 August 1999

Dancing In the Street, Karl Johans gate 4 August 1994

Hans Backenroth, Scene West Victoria, 14 August 1999

James Williams, Vaqnnessa Rubin, Ray Durmmond Smuget Storm, 10 August 1999

Lilah Dalseth & Randi Hultin, Grand Hotel, 15 August 1999

Randi Hultin, Clark Terry, Vanessa Rubin Cosmopolite August 1999

Street Parade, Karl Johans Gate, Outside Grand Hotel, 12 August 1999 Svend Asmussen, 1999c

Svend Asmussen, 1999

Svend Asmussen, Roof of Grand Hotel, 14 August 1999